Property North Wales

Decluttering Kitchen Cupboards

With all the extra time on our hands at the moment, many of us have turned our attention to home improvement related projects. A popular choice has been decluttering the kitchen, making one of the busiest rooms in the house more streamlined, fresh and efficient. The kitchen often suffers from a lot of food and tableware being thrown into cupboards in a haphazard fashion, this makes the room less efficient and cluttered.

 You need to step back and consider what is hindering the organisation of your dream kitchen. If you think you might need to strip it even further back, renovating might be the answer - kitchens Colwyn Bay can help with turning your tired kitchen into your dream. 

Here are some simple decluttering tips to help streamline your kitchen. Work through the kitchen methodically, one cupboard at a time - take stock of what’s in there and pull everything out for a clean and for inspection. 

Clean the Surfaces

Grime, grease and general kitchen dirt builds up over time in cupboard or worktop corners and shelving. It comes from food, spilled sauces, dust and just daily use of the kitchen. Whilst you have everything out of the cupboard, this is the ideal time to thoroughly wipe down and cleanse all the surfaces with a damp cloth. 

Don’t Hoard 

This is the time to be brutal with the contents of your kitchen. If it hasn’t been used in the last 12 months it should be removed and stored elsewhere or discarded completely. Don’t just hold onto four different sized mixing bowls because you might make a tier cake one-day. Keep the essentials and get rid of anything unnecessary!

Stacking Neatly 

Once you’ve chosen the lucky cupboard residents, it’s time to stack and store everything neatly. This means that they’ll be visible as soon as the cupboard door opens and are easy to reach. You might want to consider adding extra shelving or wire baskets for more efficient and easy storage of smaller items. 

Open Shelving

The old saying, ‘out of sight, out of mind’ can really apply to those dingy kitchen cupboards, the ones that you have no idea what’s lurking inside…

Why not consider upgrading your kitchen with open shelving in some areas to minimise the amount of kitchenware that gets swallowed up by the dark cupboards. Open shelving can actually help to maximise the functionality of items used every day as well. Whilst they do require more frequent cleaning than closed cupboards, you will be more inclined to keep everything neat and tidy as they are on display. 

Good Quality Storage

Pantry wizards, you know the type - those people with perfectly instagrammable and pinterest worthy kitchens with beautiful storage options. Make an investment for the long term with storage containers of high quality which can stack beautifully whilst still looking good. There is nothing quite like the satisfaction that comes from perfectly matching rows of canisters, buckets and glassware. 

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